Tuesday, January 30, 2007

THE movie

Wow..that was a great movie. Amazing...literally mindblowing !! Definitely the best till date...You are great !! Aha..
What ? there was none.
There was ..i loved it ...uh..may be you are right. I am not sure now...Aho ...WOWWW.

overhead during an enquiry :)

overhead during an enquiry :)
I could tell you a lie which could point you to the truth . I am not sure on this one, but you can take a risk and trust me.

How do i trust you ...and why ?

Dont you see i am ready to kill myself to tell you the truth .

why do you do that

Because......may be i would die and become my source...may be i had enough..i am not sure on this one.....i dont have a clue ...

i dont know ...this conversation is killing me now.

just the way i wanted.


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Life after birth ?

Someone asked me the other day "Do you believe in life after death now that you practice the 'art of living' . I thought "I am not sure,But i definitely started believing in life after birth now:"


L subramaniam

I was listening to L. Subramaniams mayarangankal a while . I wonder which ragam was that . google search kinda suggest that that was saraswati priya. Anyway ..the music was so amazing..Like it carried me through a river flow..so serenely and so flowing........How brilliant ? how amazing !! ..

Normally when i hear great music i kinda feel how i wish i could sing or play like that. This was one like "I am so grateful to get a chance to listen to this " !!

Love and peace

Monday, January 08, 2007

Grateful living ?

I love everything about the counterculture and the beat generation : music , arts , philosophy , poetry, spirituality, mind altering drugs, technology, left-liberalism. Sometimes I wish I was there. Or may be I miss it like I was there. I love everything they loved and I hate everything they hated. By the way, it is interesting to note that i started loving counterculture only after getting to be a part of the art of living family. Before that i was a confused soul between trying hard to fit my philosophy rather my way of life into the social norms, hedonism and computer software ( which i still love ). It is amazing how I started appreciating quality art , some of which include poetry ( tagore, ginsberg ) and good literature (hemingway , kundera) , art movies ( tons of them ) , philosophy ( huxley , hesse, camus ), great paintings, nature after getting into spirituality. It is like i opened up to this more beautiful and vibrant and mystical universe. Also my interest in modern physics grew so much too.

So much about me and now getting to the main point; Once ( 2001 , July ) i was sitting in the Vishalakshi mandap with Guruji ( Sri Sri Ravi shankar ) in a satsang and every single soul there was swimming in an ocean of happiness. For a split second, I just became aware of the whole place. I wanted every one I love, ( my mom foremost ) , may be every one in the world, to be there and feel that ocean of bliss. This is the height of joy and I absolutely don't want anything more than this . It was like this song title by Shakti "What Need Have I for This? What Need Have I for That? I am Dancing at the Feet of my Lord All is Bliss. All is Bliss" . And then I knew why i missed the 60s. I was meant for being born in these times when my Master is going to come and sweep away the world with His love. And recently when I was talking to Vikram bhaiya, I told him we must record every satsang of for the sake of mankind all over the world and for posterity and He said "yep we must, we are like the grateful living"

How well said "Grateful living" !! Art of living could be summarized as the Grateful living movement . I missed the grateful dead times, but i am much more happy to have the grateful living !! Art of living truly opens up one to a life of commitment , conscious living , making each moment a celebration. Oh Guruji i miss you much :)

PS: By the way, I relived the 60s lately for sometime in a string cheese incident concert ( san francisco, Dec 30th 2006 ) . It was a dream come true. String cheese is absolutely amazing !! What a joyful sound !!

Grateful for the existence.

One is grateful because the universe is. One is grateful because the sun rises and the birds sing and the flowers bloom and the clouds float and in the night the sky becomes full of stars. One is simply grateful because there are mountains and rivers and oceans and deserts. One is simply grateful because there are animals and human beings. Such an incredible existence, so far out! Such a celebration, so psychedelic, so colorful! Such a dance of energy!--Osho